Town of Bel Air Police Station

Open Gallery

CRA completed a comprehensive facility study for the Town of Bel Air in 2018. This study evaluated the conditions of the existing Town Hall and Police Department areas; assessing the programmatic deficiencies and needs, as well as developing options, to meet the current and future requirements of the facility. This study evaluated several options, which included detailed site and building analysis to evaluate the best course of action for the Town of Bel Air. These options included alterations and additions to the current building, as well as a new Police Department facility at an adjacent site within the Town.


Ultimately the study revealed that alterations/additions to the existing building was the most advantageous option for the Town of Bel Air.  This option modernizes the existing facility, consolidates Town departments and resources, and provides a suitable facility with the necessary programmatic space for the Town of Bel Air Police Department.

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