Radio Park Elementary School

State College Area School District
Open Gallery

State College Area School District embarked on a comprehensive assessment of their elementary school facilities to evaluate options to possibly consolidate schools and engage the community to discuss how best to transform  these facilities into 21st Century Learning Environments. The study concluded that best path forward was to modernize two schools and build a new elementary school to replace the current Houserville Elementary School.


As a result of the Master Plan, Radio Park Elementary School building was modernized and re-programmed to better accommodate the SCASD educational staff, students and incorporate  flexibility for the building to evolve educationally over the coming 20 years. To this end, classrooms were designed for flexibility whether they are used for 1st grade, 5th grade or special education. Classrooms are organized into educational “houses”  grouping two grades together including small group instruction, faculty support, storage and restroom facilities directly adjacent to the classrooms to facilitate quick movement between education and activities increasing educational instruction time.


Awards & Certifications

Alternative & Clean Energy Program Grant
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development
LEED Platinum Certified
U.S. Green Building Council
2021 LEED Project of the Year
USGBC Central PA

89,510 SF






State College, PA



January 01, 1970
2023 AIA Central Pennsylvania Design Awards
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