The Montoursville Area School District was at a crossroads as to what to do with their aging and outdated High School. Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates developed multiple options to meet their needs including renovations only, renovations and additions, and new construction. The desire was to keep the school within their current community and enhance the educational environment to meet their current needs. As such, the district proceeded with a renovations and additions project. The design included a new three story classroom wing and centralized circulation that simplified the configuration and student flow of the existing building. The addition fit into the context of the surroundings and created a new identity for the school. As part of this project CRA was able to help the district procure a Grant for achieving LEED Gold certification in the amount of $2 million.

Awards & Certifications
Alternative & Clean Energy Program Grant
Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development
LEED Gold Certified
U.S. Green Building Council
210,000 SF
Montoursville, PA