On April 15th, 2023 Learning By Design Magazine announced the Spring 2023 Education Facilities Design Awards, which included CRA’s project at Penn Manor High School.
This April 2023 edition features a large assortment of exemplary PK-12 and post secondary campus buildings. these projects include newly constructed entire schools and/or renovated spaces that house early childhood, middle school, high school, specialized education, and higher education environments. In total, fifty-one entries were juried and scored based on six criteria of: Innovation; Sustainability; Interiors, Next Generation Learning; Planning and Functional Design; and Community Needs.
Penn Manor HS Project: The Penn Manor School District completed a study culminating with the planned renovations and additions to the existing Penn Manor High School while using guiding principles that established the parameters of the design. The facility is a comprehensive 9–12 high school that supports the second largest Agricultural education curriculum in the state of Pennsylvania.
The facility addresses the social, emotional, academic, and physical needs of the students and significantly improves educational program adjacencies to foster collaborative learning. The efficiently designed building significantly improves internal circulation and wayfinding, creating a public and academic core area joined by a series of collaborative spaces including small breakout areas, social and learning stairs as well as faculty support spaces.
Click here to view the e-magazine version, where you can find Penn Manor High School on page 82.