New Field House for Elizabethtown Area School District

In March of 2023, CRA completed an athletic facility study for Elizabethtown Area School District in collaboration with ELA Group. The study identified a need for various improvements to the High School stadium, including widening the existing field, replacing the track, and addressing accessibility. The study also identified a need for locker and changing rooms closer to the athletic fields, trainer and referee rooms, and a weight room, since existing facilities in the High School are remote from the fields and are undersized. CRA was engaged to design a field house that would address these programmatic needs.

The new, three-story field house is built into a slope, with the locker rooms and toilet rooms on the ground and first floor levels accessed from grade. The ground floor provides toilet rooms, locker rooms, track and field storage and a multipurpose room that can be used as a space for teams to review film, as a classroom, or as a shelter in inclement weather. The first floor at the field level contains larger locker rooms, a trainer’s room, and referee rooms. The upper level is a large, open weight room overlooking the field, which shall serve the Middle/High School’s physical education curriculum as well as providing a facility for student athletes to train.

The anticipated completion date is July 2024

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