Montebello ES/MS celebrated the school’s centennial with the dedication of the completed renovations/additions project. The ceremony was attended by the IAC, Baltimore City Mayor, the Superintendent of Baltimore City Schools, other dignitaries, and the community. The $32 million project revitalized the historic school as part of the 21st Century Schools Program in Baltimore City Public Schools. The school overlooks its picturesque namesake, Lake Montebello. The 93,717 SF building originally opened in 1922 and now houses grades Pre-K–8 in a restored, yet modern environment.
The project successfully transformed the historic facility into a 21st century school that encompasses a complete renovation, including: a renewed gym and cafetorium, commons and study nooks were created, classrooms were upgraded and now contain high-tech wiring and enhanced sound systems. Improvements also include large touch screens, LED lighting throughout the campus, 307 new energy efficient windows, a new HVAC system, and two new playgrounds. The project is LEED Silver Registered with the USGBC.
Eric Johnson, Senior Vice President, Maryland Stadium Authority said in the Baltimore Business Journal, “Nearly everything was a complete gut-out renovation…there is a history here from the ground up.”
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh Associates (CRA) has had the privilege of working on four of the 29 schools in the 21st Century Schools Program; the firm is currently working with MSA and BCPS on Commodore John Rodgers ES/MS replacement. Todd Vukmanic, CRA Sr. Project Manager, commented, “It is extremely gratifying to be involved with these projects that improve schools, neighborhoods, and communities in Baltimore City. The improvements will enhance the educational experience and help to inspire students for many years to come.”
Please see the article published in Inside Renovation Montebello Elementary-Middle School – Baltimore Business Journal (