Mechanicsburg Area MS Additions and Renovations
Mechanicsburg Area School District
Additions: 4,500 SF
Renovations: 4,200 SF
The project consists of the construction of two main components: Circulation Stair Additions and Renovations and HVAC system upgrade. For Owner purposes only, costs for construction of the HVAC system upgrades portion of the Work shall be indicated separately on the Bid Form.
Circulation Stair Addition and Renovations:
The additions and renovation to accommodate new circulation stairs includes two separate, two-story additions at the back of the existing building as well as partial interior renovations to the existing library. New spaces in the additions include a large open collaboration space, two small group rooms and a stair tower, small group instruction room, small open collaboration space respectively. Generally, the new construction consists of load bearing masonry, steel joists and metal deck, masonry veneer, EPDM membrane roofing, aluminum storefront and curtain wall systems, interior finishes include carpet, acoustical ceiling and paint.
The MEP system work associated with the addition of circulation stairs and learning spaces is generally the extension of existing systems into the new spaces. New fan coil units connected to the existing chilled and hot water piping systems will provide heating and cooling to the new spaces. Lighting, power, and building low voltage services will be provided in all the new spaces to meet the current technology standards and will be connected to existing building power distribution or associated low voltage system. Automatic sprinklers will be provided in all new spaces and connected to existing sprinkler branch piping.
HVAC System Upgrades:
The HVAC upgrades for the building include the replacement of two roof top units, boiler replacements including associated pumps and piping modifications, chiller replacement including associated pumps and piping modifications, retrofit of the existing cooling tower, as well as new HVAC systems to serve the existing network wiring closets. Control upgrades for all of the new equipment is part of the scope of work.